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Leader's Message: September 2024

Leader's Message: September 2024

Summer, if that is what it was, is over and I hope as many of you as possible were able to get away (and actually find some sunshine), have a break and recharge.

The weather aside, we cannot avoid the reality that many would be forgiven if they had just wanted to get away given some of the events that have punctuated the last few months.  Some of them highlighting the consequences of the spotlight being deliberately focussed on our differences and the channelling of our personal and societal ills through that lens and that of misinformation.

That being said, it is a new term for us and a new legal year will soon be upon us with a new and positive start. Let us do what we can on Circuit to focus on what brings us together and our common purpose in bettering the aims of Circuit.

This term marks the inaugural Pupillage Fair (North) which we are hosting in conjunction with the Northern Circuit. The aim is quite simple; to highlight for prospective pupils the benefits of pupillage on Circuit and attract the best talent. As I mentioned previously, we now have the support of the Bar Council and this should be seen as complimentary to the pupillage fair that will take place in London. I anticipate that all the Chambers and AETO’s on the two Circuits will be represented at the fair and all of the legal learning institutions will be invited. We will also have in attendance a number of legal luminaries who are testament to the full and stellar career that can be had from a practice “Up North”. In order to make this a success it will need all of us to pull together to show what we have on offer and why a life on Circuit is the best life to attract the best and full range of candidates. We and your Chambers will need vo lunteers so please do what you can to help.

The Pupillage Fair (North) will take place on Saturday 30th November at the Leeds Beckett Law School so please put the date in your diary and further details will be circulated via the Circuit Administrator shortly.

With that can I welcome this year’s cohort of new pupils who will be joining us over the next few weeks and months. Please, as ever, look out for them and help where necessary and give them the usual warm Circuit welcome. They are all of our pupils. There will be a welcome mess for them, once they have settled, in early November.

In that regard, we have coming up the New Practitioners Advocacy Course in October and November. I mention that here to remind those of you who have been trained by Circuit as trainers to assist if at all possible. It remains an important part of the training programme which we want to be able to carry on providing on Circuit. It only works with the assistance of volunteers which we remain ever grateful for. You will have received separate communication about this and you can contact Craig Hassall KC or George Hazel-Owram ( ) if you are able to assist.

None of that is to forget about those who got us here in the first place. Our now annual Retired Judicial and Retired Members dinner will take place on Thursday 26th September 2024 at the Merchant’s Adventurer, York. We encourage all members to attend to reconnect to our old friends.

Other key events this terms to keep an eye for and sign up to include (please see the Circuit website here for the wider events calendar.

1) Circuit Cricket match, 15th September 2024

2) Gray’s Inn Circuit Dinner, 4th October 2024

3) The FLBA Annual Conference will be held in Leeds this year on 12th October 2024 (contact FLBA or Emily Ward We look forward to welcoming them.

4) York Legal Service with a NEC Lunch afterwards at Merchant Taylors, York, 16th October 2024

5) Grand Court, 24th October 2024

6) NEC Diversity Clothes Fair, 9th November 2024. For which donations of used business and court attire are welcome between 2nd September to 27th September 2024 at PSQB, Leeds.

We are also hoping to host the new Attorney General later this year. That is important in the context of our developing relationship with the Government Legal Department based in Leeds. There will be more details to follow.

That is all for now and look forward to seeing you soon.

As ever here is to unity,

Jason Pitter KC

Leader of Circuit